Kitten Matching Form A more in depth questionnaire to obtain information to best match a kitten to you. Name(s) Date From which litter or time frame are you wanting a kitten?Have you had cats in the past? If no, what is your experience with cats?Is a particular gender, color or pattern an absolute necessity? If there is a preference for any of these, please list them here. Please realize pricing may be different and the more particular you are, the more limited it makes matching based on temperament. But if all else is equal, knowing your preferences is helpful.Are you OK with a mismarked kitten? How many people live at home. Please list ages.Does anyone in the household work from home? Would this person work in an office or space that is separate from the kitten?Please describe your physical living space in terms or square footage, balconies, windows, etc.What other animals live at home? Please describe each pet in detail in terms of species, breed, gender, age and personality. Has this pet lived with cats before? What was the personality of the cats they lived with?What is the vibe of your household? Is it quiet, loud, active, etc. Do you have friends/family over often?Do you tend to go out often for entertainment, restaurants, vacation?Do you have any vacations planned in the next year? If so, how long will you be gone and what do you plan to do with your pets?Please list in detail the type of personality traits you are looking for and what are the most important traits? Realize kittens are not Mr Potato Heads. I cant "create" a kitten with all these traits. That being said, please be as detailed as possible. Everyone wants a sweet cuddly kitten so what is different about your kitten?In the event that your kitten(s) should outlive you, please describe your plan for what happens to your kitten(s). Please list their names,ages,relationship to you, email address and phone numberI agree to trust my breeder to match me with the kitten I am best suited for.YesNoI realize I may not be "matched" with my kitten until it is 10-11 weeks old. I agree to be patient with the processYesNpIf I am shown a photo/video of multiple kittens, I agree to not get hung up on a certain kitten. I understand that the kitten that may appeal to me in that photo/video may not have the temperament I am looking for or that would best suite my family.YesNoAdmin Only 34665