Kitten Selection Process

Kitten Selection Process

We here at Oh My Stars Ragdolls may do things a bit differently than other breeders. We believe very strongly that kittens should be “matched” to owners based primarily on personality and temperament. Sure, color, pattern and expression are nice but they are just wrappings on the package. The key to a long-term happy relationship between you and your furry friend relies mainly on temperament. So for us, posting a photo and asking you to choose based on a single photo and brief description seems a bit backwards. Soooo…


Consider me your feline/human “Matchmaker.” 

I ask you to trust me in this process. I have done this a lot and am good at it! I know people and I know cats and am good at making successful matches. Put your agendas and beliefs aside and let me guide you in selecting the purrfect match!


Here’s the Process…


  1. Application

    Fill out an application. This helps me to get to know you a bit better and figure out if we might be a good match. I do not use this information as anything other than a process to get to know you better. It doesn’t lock you into any sort of agreement. It is simply a first step. (Link to application)

  1. Communication

    Send me an email or text letting me know you have filled out an application.  This alerts me that an application has been sent as I don’t always see the notifications.  It also opens up the dialogue between us that will follow.  This step is as important as all the others.  Please expect that I will reply and . expect a reply back from you.  I will never intentionally ghost you and expect the same from you. (link to my email address ([email protected]) and phone number 253-355-0156).

  1. Phone conversation
    I will set up a time to call you by phone or possibly Face Time.  This is where we really get to know one another.  This is so helpful for me in figuring out which kitten(s) I believe would make a good fit and it is essential for you in building trust in me, in my kittens/cattery and in the process for matching you with the right Ragdoll kitten.
  1. Deposit

    Once you have decided to get a kitten from us at Oh My Stars Ragdolls, I ask for a deposit of $500.  This deposit confirms the agreement that you will be getting the right kitten for you from us.  It may not confirm exactly which kitten you will be receiving at this time.  That may happen later.  I take deposits via Venmo(preferred), Zelle or Paypal.  The deposit is non refundable and non transferrable once a litter or a kitten is established.  Our total pricing ranges from $3200-$3500 for pet quality kittens, $3600-$4000 for show quality kittens and $5000+ for breeder quality kittens.  I do not sell many kittens as breeders and I must know you and have a relationship with you as a reputable TICA registered and upstanding breeder in the show community.

  1. Wait

    I recognize this is the hardest part of the process. This is the time it takes for me to really get to know my kittens as individuals. I watch them and handle them and determine who is confident, cheeky, demure, feisty, chill, etc. This is when I am working on the puzzle of fitting kittens to owners.  

    Fill out a matching form.  I will be sending out a form closer to pick up that is an extended version of my application.  I will asking a myriad of questions that will help me in the matching process.  I take gender, color and pattern into consideration but temperament and home environment take priority in my process.  I also give preference based on order deposits are received.  

  1. Confirm a kitten
    I will come to you with my suggestions for which kitten(s) I believe would be a good fit. I will send photos and videos and may even do a Facetime call.  Once you have confirmed with me that the match is correct, I will mark the kitten as yours in the website and in my records.  Once this is done, there is no switching kittens!  Your deposit is locked in for that exact kitten.  If you should decide that you do not want the kitten for any reason, your deposit will not be returned or transferred.
  1. Establish a pick up appointment

    I will schedule a date and time for your pick up appointment.  This is typically done a few days to a week after the kitten(s) has been spayed/neutered.  I will send you the instructions for the appointment including the address and your balance which will be paid in cash.  This is also the time to make an appointment with your veterninarian  It is vital that you make an appointment within 2 weeks of pick up per the contract. 

    If you are unable to schedule an appointment within a week of the surgery appointment or the kitten turning 12 weeks, there will be a boarding fee of $20 per kitten per day.  I am happy to discuss with you the holding of kittens.  If you are planning to be away from home within a month of the kitten coming home, consider either adopting at a later time or boarding the kitten here until pick up time.  It is far less stressful for the kitten to stay here than transition to a new home and a new person in a short period of time.

  1. Pick up your kitten

    At your appointment there will some paper work to do.  You will be signing the contract and registering the microchip.  You will also be paying the balance with cash.  Plan for the appointment to last approximately 30 minutes to an hour.

  1. Enjoy your Ragdoll kitten!
    Spend time getting to know your new friend.  He/she will need to take time getting to know you, your family, your other pets and it’s new home.  Have patience and have fun!  We here at Oh My Stars Ragdolls LOVE getting updates with photos and videos,  We want to know how it’s going and how the match is working out.  Our relationship does not end once you step out the door.  Our hope is that we will continue to have a relationship, however that relationship looks, for  any foreseeable future!